Mantra Monday

Welcome to the first Mantra Monday of many! :)

Everyone hates Mondays. It's the first day of the week which means you probably have a lot to catch up on at work or need to get things in line for the week. I decided that every Monday is the day that you should start the week on a positive note. You should feel inspired, happy and optimistic about the week ahead! Every Monday, do something for yourself and be positive.

In a yoga class last week, I was sitting in pigeon pose and my teacher says,  "It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal."

I had a really rough work week last week and I tend to stress over the little things (which is a terrible habit) and that saying couldn't be more fitting. So this week it's time to remember IT'S ONLY A BIG DEAL IF YOU MAKE IT A BIG DEAL.

Happy Mantra Monday everyone!

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